XI CW Converter - ISSL, University of Tokyo Conversion TimeF@2007/12/29 11:31:31 UT1 WWW.SPACE.T.U-TOKYO.AC.JP UT2 028E8E UT3 AEB8003F UT4 314253 UT5 060440 UT6 766666662B ISSL URL http://www.space.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp (Does this show ISSL's web site correctly?) XI-IV internal time 167566 (0x028E8E) Uplink count 14/31 Camera count 5/7 SEL count (communication subsystem) 0/7 Antenna deployment Finished CW duty ratio More than 0.3 OBC reset Normal (There is no reset, or unexpected reset by the radiation.) Battery charging Trickle Charge OBC existence Alive FM Opeartion Waiting Battery voltage 4.1V Battery temperature 14.4 Solar array voltage 5.5V Solar array current +X panel 0.0mA -X panel 156.8mA +Y panel 0.0mA -Y panel 130.9mA +Z panel 100.2mA -Z panel 0.0mA Temperature +X panel 36.3deg -X panel 24.2deg +Y panel 22.5deg -Y panel 24.8deg +Z panel 23.5deg -Z panel 24.8deg Battery 24.7deg Transmitter 25.2deg RSSI 3.6dBu * Results are not shown for the blank data. * If there are some decoding mistakes, this software may offer unexpected results. Thank you for your receiving the signal from XI-IV. Please refer the ISSL's web site to know the details of the data format. http://www.space.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/nlab_gs/satelliteinfo.html Intelligent Space Systems Laboratory CubeSat Project http://www.space.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cubesat/index-e.html